

法相宗、または唯識宗、応理円実宗[おうりえんじつしゅう]、慈恩宗[じおんしゅう]とも呼ばれて、南都六宗[なんとりくしゅう]の一つです。 この宗の宗旨としては、唐でできたものですが、そのもとは印度の弥勒菩薩[みろくぼさつ]、無着菩薩[むちゃくぼさつ]、世親菩薩[せしんぼさつ]によって大成され、 護法菩薩[ごほうぼさつ]等によって発展した唯識教学です。紀元七世紀の初め、玄奘三蔵が印度で17年の間仏教教義の修得に勤められました。その間特に唯識教義の研鑚に 勤められました。しかし帰朝後は翻訳に全勢力をそそがれ、教義の発揮は門下第一の逸足といわれた慈恩大師[じおんだいし]に託されました。大師は師より伝授の法統を巧み に整理し法相宗を開創されました。その後、?州大師[ししゅうだいし]、撲揚大師[ぼくようだいし]の法相ニ祖・三祖より日本の留学僧、道昭[どうしょう]、智通[ちつう]、 智達[ちたつ]、智鳳[ちほう]、智鸞[ちらん]、玄昉[げんぼう]によって日本に伝えられ、行基[ぎょうき]、徳一[とくいつ]、真興[しんごう]、貞慶[じょうけい]、 良偏[りょうへん]、光胤[こういん]等から現在に伝わっています。
(全日本仏教会HP 参照)
Also known as the Hosso sect, or Yuishiki sect, Ourien jitsushu, or Jion sect, it is one of the six Nanto sects. The sect was founded in the Tang Dynasty, but it was originally perfected by the Bodhisattvas Mirokubosatsu, Muchakubosatsu, and Seshin Bosatsu of India. It is the Yuishiki doctrine developed by Goho Bosatsu and others. At the beginning of the 7th century AD, Xuanzang was engaged in the study of Buddhist doctrine in India for 17 years. In the meantime, especially in the study of the Doctrine of Yuishiki I was employed. After returning to Japan, however, he devoted all his energy to translation, leaving the exercise of his doctrines to Jion Daishi, who was said to be the best disciple. Daishi is more skillful at teaching traditions than his master. and founded the Hosso sect. After that? Shi Shu Daishi, Boku Yo Daishi's Hosso (the second and third founders), Dosho, Chitsu, and Boku Yo Daishi are Japanese monks studying abroad. It was introduced to Japan by Chitatsu, Chiho, Chiran, and Genbo, and was also introduced by Gyoki, Tokuitsu, Shingo, Jokei, It has been handed down from Ryohen, Koin, and others to this day.
(全日本仏教会HP 参照)


 この宗の特徴は阿頼耶識[あらやしき]、末那識[まなしき]という深層意識を心の奥にあるということを認めているところにあります。 その阿頼耶識を根本識[こんぽんじき]とし、一切法は阿頼耶識に蔵する種子[しゅうじ]より転変せらる(唯識所変[ゆいしきしょへん])としています。 つまり私達の認めている世界は総て自分が作り出したものであるということで、十人の人間がいれば十の世界がある(人人唯識[にんにんゆいしき])ということです。 みんな共通の世界に住んでいると思っていますし、同じものを見ていると思っています。しかしそれは別々のものである。例えば、『手を打てば はいと答える 鳥逃げる  鯉は集まる 猿沢の池』という歌があります。旅行客が猿沢の池(奈良にある池)の旅館で手を打ったなら、旅館の人はお客が呼んでいると思い、鳥は鉄砲で撃たれたと 思い、池の鯉は餌がもらえると思って集まってくる、ひとつの音でもこのように受け取り方が違ってくる。一人一人別々の世界があるということです。 (全日本仏教会HP 参照)
 The distinctive feature of this sect is that it acknowledges the existence of arayashiki and manashiki, the deeper awareness of the mind, deep within the mind. The arayashiki is regarded as the root consciousness, and all Dharma is transmuted from the seeds stored in the arayashiki (yuishiki shohan). This means that the world we perceive is entirely our own creation, and that there are ten different worlds for every ten people (ninjin yuishiki). We think we all live in the same world and see the same things. But it is separate. For example, 'If you strike a hand, it says yes, the birds flee.  Carp gather, Sarusawa pond'. If a traveller strikes his hand at an inn by Sarusawa Pond (a pond in Nara), the innkeeper thinks the customer is calling him, the bird thinks he has been shot with a gun. The carp in the pond will gather around thinking they are being fed. Each person has his own world. (See All-Japan Buddhist Association website.)







法隆寺は飛鳥時代の姿を現在に伝える世界最古の木造建築として広く知られています。その創建の由来は、「金堂」の東の間に安置されている「薬師如来像」の光背銘や 『法隆寺伽藍縁起并流記資財帳』(747)の縁起文によって知ることができます。 それによりますと、用明天皇が自らのご病気の平癒を祈って寺と仏像を造ることを誓願されましたが、その実現をみないままに崩御されたといいます。 そこで推古天皇と聖徳太子が用明天皇のご遺願を継いで、推古15年(607)に寺とその本尊「薬師如来」を造られたのがこの法隆寺(斑鳩寺とも呼ばれています) であると伝えています。
(全日本仏教会HP 参照)
Horyu-ji Temple is widely known as the oldest wooden structure in the world to have retained its Asuka-era appearance. The origin of its construction is known from the inscription on the halo of the statue of Yakushi Nyorai, which is enshrined in the east room of Kondo Hall, and from the text of the Engi (747). The origin of the temple can be found in the inscription on the halo of the statue of Yakushi Nyorai, which is enshrined in the east hall of Kondo, and in the text of the Engi (747) in the Horyuji temple complex Engi Nariroku Shizai-cho. According to this, Emperor Yomei vowed to build a temple and a statue of Buddha to pray for the cure of his illness, but he died without fulfilling his vow. Emperor Suiko and Prince Shotoku followed Emperor Yomei's dying wish and built the temple and its main image, Yakushi Nyorai, in 607 (Suiko 15), which is said to be Houryuu-ji (also known as Ikaruga-ji). It is said that the temple and its main deity, Yakushi Nyorai, were built in 607.
(See All-Japan Buddhist Association website.)


現在、法隆寺は塔・金堂を中心とする西院伽藍と、夢殿を中心とした東院伽藍に分けられています。広さ約18万7千平方メートルの境内には、 飛鳥時代をはじめとする各時代の粋を集めた建築物が軒をつらね、たくさんの宝物類が伝来しています。国宝・重要文化財に指定されたものだけでも約190件、 点数にして2300余点に及んでいます。 このように法隆寺は聖徳太子が建立された寺院として、1400年に及ぶ輝かしい伝統を今に誇り、とくに1993年12月には、ユネスコの世界文化遺産のリストに 日本で初めて登録されるなど、世界的な仏教文化の宝庫として人々の注目を集めています。
(全日本仏教会HP 参照)
Today, Horyu-ji is divided into the Seiin Garan, centred on the pagoda and Kondo, and the Toin Garan, centred on the Muden. The temple covers an area of approximately 187,000 square metres, The temple grounds cover an area of approximately 187,000 square metres and are lined with buildings that represent the best of each period, including the Asuka period, and many treasures have been handed down from generation to generation. There are about 190 items designated as national treasures or important cultural relics, The number of items designated as national treasures and important cultural properties alone is more than 2,300. Horyuu-ji Temple, founded by Prince Shotoku, has a glorious tradition spanning 1,400 years and was the first temple in Japan to be inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in December 1993. In December 1993, Horyu-ji became the first temple in Japan to be inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, and is attracting attention as a world-class treasure house of Buddhist culture.
(See All-Japan Buddhist Association website.)



清水寺が北法相宗の本山として独立したのは1965年。急速に変化する社会情勢に対応し、これからの時代に社会から必要とされる仏教を模索し続けた当時の清水寺貫主、 大西良慶和上によって北法相宗が立宗されました。「『北』法相宗」という名称には、南都と呼ばれた奈良に対して、北に位置する京都で法灯を掲げるという意味が込 められています。
It was in 1965 that Kiyomizu-dera became independent as the head temple of the Northern Dharma Sect. The head priest of Kiyomizu-dera at the time, Ryokei Onishi, was constantly searching for a Buddhism that would respond to the rapidly changing social situation and be needed by society in the coming age, The Northern Dharma Sect was founded by Onishi Ry?kei, the abbot of Kiyomizu-dera Temple at that time, who continued to search for the Buddhism needed by society in the coming age. The name 'Kita' Hosso sect was derived from the meaning of raising the Dharma lamp in Kyoto, which is located in the north, as opposed to Nara, which was called the southern capital. The name 'North' Hosso sect was derived from the meaning of raising the Dharma lamp in Kyoto, which is located in the north, as opposed to Nara, which was called the southern capital.
(Please refer to the Kiyomizudera Temple website)

清水寺(きよみずでら)は、日本の京都市東山区にある有名な仏教寺院です。正式には「音羽山清水寺」といい、778年に創建された古い歴史を持っています。寺院は「西国三十三所」の第16番札所としても知られ、毎年多くの参拝者や観光客が訪れます。 清水寺の最大の特徴は、「清水の舞台」として知られる本堂の大舞台です。この舞台は、断崖に突き出る形で建てられており、釘を使わずに組み上げられた木造建築が有名です。そこからは、京都市内の美しい景色を一望でき、特に桜や紅葉の季節には壮観な眺めが広がります。 また、清水寺には「音羽の滝」という名所もあり、この滝の水を飲むと健康や学業成就などのご利益があるとされています。清水寺は1994年に「古都京都の文化財」の一部としてユネスコの世界遺産に登録されており、日本の歴史と文化を代表する重要な遺産です。
(Daihonzan Kiyomizu-dera Temple)
Kiyomizu-Dera Temple is a famous Buddhist temple located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Japan. Officially called "Otowasan Kiyomizu-Dera Temple", the temple has an ancient history, having been founded in 778. The temple is also known as the 16th temple of "Sanjusansho (33 temples in the western part of Japan)" and is visited by many worshippers and tourists every year. The most distinctive feature of Kiyomizu-Dera Temple is the large stage in the main hall, known as "Kiyomizu no Butai" (Stage of Kiyomizu). This stage is built out of the cliff and is famous for its nail-free wooden construction. From there, visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of Kyoto's beautiful scenery, especially during the cherry blossom and autumn foliage seasons. Kiyomizu-dera Temple is also famous for the Otowa-no-taki waterfall, whose water is said to bring good luck for health and academic success. Kiyomizu-dera Temple was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994 as part of the "Cultural Properties of Ancient Kyoto" and is an important representative of Japanese history and culture.



仏教の宗派名。『中論』『十二門論』『百論』の3論を所依として立宗したのでこの名がある。中国十三宗の一つ。 高祖を文殊菩薩とし,次祖を馬鳴,三祖を龍樹とする。龍樹に2人の弟子があって2派に分れる。 一つは龍樹-龍智-清弁-智光-師子光と伝え,一つは龍樹-提婆-羅ご羅多-沙車王子-羅什と伝える。 羅什門下には俊才が輩出したが,そのなかの道生から曇済-道朗-僧詮-法朗-吉蔵と伝えられた。 吉蔵によって大成したので,諸祖のなかで吉蔵を太祖とし,それ以前を古三論,あるいは北地の三論と称し, それ以後を新三論,または南地の三論と称した。吉蔵の弟子で高麗出身の慧灌が推古 33 (625) 年には日本に渡来し, 初め飛鳥の元興寺に住したが,のちに井上寺 (いがみじ) を創建して三論宗を広め南都六宗の一つとして盛んになっていった。
(ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典 参照)
Name of a Buddhist sect. Named after the three treatises of the Zhonglong Treatise, the Twelve Monotheisms and the Hundred Treatises, which were founded according to the three treatises. One of the 13 Chinese sects. The high patriarch is Wenshu Bodhisattva, the second patriarch is Ma Ming, and the third patriarch is Longju. Longju had two disciples and the sect is divided into two schools. The first is said to be Longju - Yongchi - Seiben - Chikwang - Shi Zikwang, the second is said to be Longju - Adoba - Ragorata - Prince Sakyamuni - Raja - Raja. The other is transmitted as Ryuju - Ragorata - Prince Sagaraja. Among them was Dosei, who was transmitted as Doso - Doro - Doroang - Monk Inno - Horoang - Kichizo. As Kichizang achieved great success, he is regarded as the greatest founder among the ancestors, and the earlier period is known as Ko-Sang-ron or the Three Treatises of the Northern Land. The later period was known as the New Three Discourses or the Three Discourses of the Southern Region. Kichizo's disciple, Huikan of Goryeo, came to Japan in Suiko 33 (625). He later founded Inoue-ji temple, where the Sang-ron school spread and flourished as one of the six sects in the southern capital.


インドの僧,世親 (320頃~400頃) の著わした『阿毘達磨倶舎論』の研究をもっぱらとする仏教の一学派。 中国で古く毘曇宗とも呼ばれたものと同じ路線の上にある。中国では真諦または玄奘によるこの論書の翻訳に始り, 神泰などが多くの注釈を著わして研究した。日本においても道昭をはじめ行基,玄 昉らも研究を行い, 南都六宗の一つに数えられたが,独立の一宗派の形態をとるにはいたらなかった。
(ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典 参照)
A school of Buddhism based exclusively on the study of the Abhidharma Kusha treatise written by the Indian monk Sechin (c. 320-400). It is related to the ancient Chinese school known as the Bhidharma sect. In China, it began with the translation of this treatise by Shinzei or Xuanzang. In Japan, the Gy?ky? sect, including D?sh?, was also studied. In Japan, Dosho, Gyoki, Xuan Biao and others also studied it, and it is considered one of the six sects of the southern capital. The Nanto sect was one of the six sects of the Nanto sect, but it did not become an independent sect.


成実宗とは、仏教の宗派の一つで、『成実論』という経典を研究する学派です。『成実論』は、インドの仏教学者訶梨跋摩(かりばつま)が書いたもので、 部派仏教(小乗仏教)の教理に大乗仏教の趣旨を加えたものです。この経典は、412年に鳩摩羅什(くまらじゅう)が漢訳し、中国に伝えられました。 中国では、南北朝時代から唐代にかけて研究が盛んになり、法雲(ほううん)、智蔵(ちぞう)、僧旻(そうみん)などの名僧がこの学派に属しました。 しかし、三論宗の祖である吉蔵(きちぞう)によって小乗仏教と批判されたことや、天台宗や華厳宗などの新しい宗派の台頭によって、次第に衰退していきました。 日本では、百済(くだら)の僧侶道蔵(どうぞう)が伝えたとされます。東大寺や元興寺などで研究されましたが、南都六宗の一つに数えられながらも独立した宗派とはなりませんでした。 三論宗の付属的な位置づけとされ、三論宗の学徒は成実論を兼学することが求められました。 成実宗の教義は、四諦(苦・集・滅・道)という仏教の基本教義を明らかにすることにあります。 自我という実体を認めない(我空・人空)とともに客観世界も空である(法空)と説き、世俗諦(せぞくたい)と第一義諦(しょいぎたい)という二諦説や中道を強調するなど大乗仏教的な教えも説きます。
The Seijitsu school is one of the Buddhist sects that studies the sutra Seijitsu-ron. The Seijitsu-ron was written by the Indian Buddhist scholar Kalibhatsuma, The Seijitsu-ron was written by the Indian Buddhist scholar Kalabhasma, who added the tenets of Mahayana Buddhism to the teachings of the Hinayana school (Small Vehicle Buddhism). This scripture was translated into Chinese by Hatomaraju in 412 and transmitted to China. In China, the study of this school flourished from the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty, with such famous monks as Houun, Chizang and Soumin belonging to this school. However, it gradually declined as it was criticised by Kichizo, the founder of the Sanron school, for being a small Hinayana school of Buddhism, and with the rise of newer sects such as the Tendai and Kegon schools. It is believed to have been introduced to Japan by the monk Dozo from the Baekje region. It was studied at T?dai-ji and Gank?-ji temples, but did not become an independent sect, although it was counted as one of the six sects of the southern capital. It was regarded as an adjunct to the San-lun sect, and students of the San-lun sect were required to study Seijitsu-ron as well. The doctrine of Seijitsu-shu is to clarify the basic Buddhist teachings of the Four Noble Truths (Suffering, Concentration, Destruction and the Way). It also teaches that the objective world is empty (Dharma emptiness) and that the reality of the ego is not recognised (ego-emptiness and jin-emptiness). It also teaches teachings similar to Mahayana Buddhism, such as the two truths of Sezoku-tai and Shoi-igitai, and the emphasis on the Middle Way.





仏壇や葬儀について 奈良仏教(南都六宗)は、仏教を学問として研究行う目的が始まりで、檀家も存在せず、お葬式もあげません。檀家制度も江戸時代よりも前にできたものなので、檀家もありません。葬儀をあげる場合は他宗派にお願いします。